Here you get to learn more about the committees and project groups at the K-guild!


    Here you get to learn more about the committees and project groups at the K-guild!



At the K-guild there are opportunities to start project groups for activities that may not fit into the ordinary committee activities. Anyone can start a project group. For more information about starting or joining a project group, contact the Student Board

To the right the current projects are displayed!

"Nämnden" and College

“Nämden” is a term on the K-Guild which means the meetings that all Heads of the Committee’s have with the Vice President during the year. Some other volunteers sometimes participate and the aim of the meetings is to get a natural communication between the committees. Issues concerning all committees are raised at the meetings and they are also intended to be an opportunity for discussion between the committees.

College is a term used when people who have the same position in different Sections meet and have a meeting regarding their activities. For example, the Presidents from all the Guild’s meet and discuss overall issues concerning everyone's activities. Another one is SrX, where the Heads of the Student Councils for each Guild meet and discuss educational issues that concern all Guilds. Colleges are a great asset for all Guilds and enable great collaborations between the Guilds.


At the K-guild there are opportunities to start project groups for activities that may not fit into the ordinary committee activities. Anyone can start a project group. For more information about starting or joining a project group, contact the Student Board

To the right the current projects are displayed!


NKK stands for Nordic Chemical Engineer Conference and is a big gathering for chemical engineers from all the Nordic countries, each year in a different city. The project group helps organize , plan and arrange the event when it is held in Lund. The work consists of company outreach, sponsorships, budget planning and event planning among other things.


KRUT stands for Chemical engineers and Biotechnologists Travel Out Together and we exist to promote travel, outdoor life and community at the K-guild. Our vision with the project group is to be able to arrange trips and activities around the world both near and far.


BTD stands for the Biotechnology Days and is a multi-days event for biotechnologists from multiple universities in Sweden, and takes place at a different university each year. When BTD is arranged in Lund, the Biotechnology Contacts will start this project group. The project group helps organize , plan and arrange the event when it is held in Lund. The work consists of company outreach, sponsorships, budget planning and event planning among other things.


LabbRocK is our very own band at the Guild! LabbRocK has had gigs at multiple events held by the Guild such as the KULA-sitting, the Annual Calibration Ball and Fine Dining. When there’s no gigs, they have rehearsals approximately once a week. For the musically interested this is the perfect project group to be a part of!

Exam ball committee

ExU is a project group that organizes and arranges a graduation celebration for the students at the Guild who are about to graduate. ExU was started for the first time to organize a graduation celebration in 2024 and then planned a 100-day slasque dinner party, a graduation banquet, and a graduation ceremony. If you have ideas or plans for what a graduation celebration should look like, you are warmly welcome to join and try to make them a reality so that you can have a great graduation celebration yourself!

Anniversary Committee

Approximately once every five years the K-guild celebrates its anniversary with sittings, pubs and a ball! The Anniversary Committee is usually kick-started a year before the anniversary to plan and arrange the K-guild’s Anniversary. This work consists of company outreach, sponsorships, budget planning and event planning. For the Anniversary Entertainment (Jubileumsspex) a dedicated spex-group is recruited by the internally chosen Head of Entertainment (Spexgeneral), that works to create an entire entertainment piece (spex)!


UtvärdU is a visionary project that was started with the purpose of evaluating which needs our Guild has. It could be anything from the type of operations that are needed to the aspects that need improvement at the Guild. You could join this project if you have ideas and a vision of what needs improvements at the Guild!

"Nämnden" and College

“Nämden” is a term on the K-Guild which means the meetings that all Heads of the Committee’s have with the Vice President during the year. Some other volunteers sometimes participate and the aim of the meetings is to get a natural communication between the committees. Issues concerning all committees are raised at the meetings and they are also intended to be an opportunity for discussion between the committees.

College is a term used when people who have the same position in different Sections meet and have a meeting regarding their activities. For example, the Presidents from all the Guild’s meet and discuss overall issues concerning everyone's activities. Another one is SrX, where the Heads of the Student Councils for each Guild meet and discuss educational issues that concern all Guilds. Colleges are a great asset for all Guilds and enable great collaborations between the Guilds.

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